Carbohydrates, they’ve got bad rap. But are carbs really the enemy??
Carbohydrates are essential to normal body function. Carbohydrates are the primary source of fuel and provide our bodies with energy. Carbs contain the components necessary for organ function, physical activity and brain function. Without them, our bodies struggle to compensate for the lack of essential nutrients. Carbohydrates are clearly essential for normal bodily function, so why the bad reputation?
Obviously it has been proven that overconsumption of excess carbs can lead to weight gain. So how do we find the balance of whats is necessary for our bodies and over indulging? The answer is simple, knowledge and balance. Understanding the role of carbohydrates in the body and applying the principals to a balanced diet is key.
There are two types of carbohydrates. Simple and complex. Complex carbohydrates or starches, include whole-grain breads, cereals, starchy vegetables and legumes. Complex carbs typically contain fiber, which aides in the digestive process and increases satiety. This reduces overeating and excess weight gain. High-fiber foods also lower cholesterol and decrease the risk of heart disease. Simple carbohydrates or simple sugars, include sugars founds in fruits, vegetables and milk. As well as sugars added during food processing.
It is important to choose your carbohydrates wisely. Now that you have the knowledge, lets find balance in the diet. Portion control and choosing healthy carbs and starches over refined and processed will help to maintain a healthy weight and may help prevent or improve serious health conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease.
Simply said, carbs are not the enemy. The reason they have a bad reputation is because when unhealthy carbs are over consumed they contribute to weight gain and disease. Choosing “whole over refined” foods and paying attention to portion size will help to avoid falling victim to the carb stigma.
Avoid refined carbohydrate foods as they are usually also lacking in essential nutrients. In other words, they are “empty” calories. Choose whole food sources of carbohydrates, they are loaded with nutrients and fiber and will help to stabilize blood sugar levels. Studies show high-fiber carbohydrates, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes show improve metabolic health and a lower risk of disease!
Carb inhibitors have been proven to prevent storing of excess fat due to carbohydrate consumption. TLS Core is a product that may help to promote weight loss and suppress appetite by promoting a feeling of fullness. It also reduces fat stores in the body and promotes reduction in body mass index (BMI). TLS core also helps maintain normal blood sugar levels, normal cholesterol levels and normal insulin activity. To learn more about TLS Core visit
Don’t be afraid of carbs. Just choose wisely